Hotel Transylvania 3 Movie

The movie Hotel Transylvania 2 has been released in theaters and is performing quite well. So there’s no wonder that Sony Pictures Animation is planning another sequel. Unfortunately Director Genndy Tartakovsky who helmed the first two movies won’t return to direct Hotel Transylvania 3… he indeed said that he’d rather tackle a new project:

“Hotel Transylvania 3 is going to happen without me. Two is enough. I have a lot of other ideas, and I kind of have to express them and have them come out.”

Director Genndy Tartakovsky

Do you have any suggestion regarding the plot of Hotel Transylvania 3? Share your thoughts below!

Anyway, stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Hotel Transylvania 3.

5 Responses - “Hotel Transylvania 3 Movie”

  1. Anonymous

    My idea is for Hotel Transylvania 3 to create a love story for Dennis and Dracula…….

    • josh

      i think there should be more love affection between mavis and jonathan,and that there is action and death (mavis)and there’s a big funeral and there should be new great songs like hotline bling,by drake and the hills,by the weekend.

  2. Idea!

    I want make a love story for the Dracula about for adventure with a beautiful vampire woman…but that woman had already husband(he isn’t so good man and is try to destroy her wife with the Dracula)then that woman come to Hotel Transylvania for the 123 birthday of Dennis.Vlad was invited for him son to married again…when that woman who her name was Jessica looked Dracula they felt the “second zing”Vlad was know about the “second zing” he read a book from an old library…that is possible to fell the “second zing”When her husband learn that Jessica is falling in love with another vampire he get very angry and he swear:”I destroy the love and I kill the man who falls in love with Jessica I swear!”Then finally the man learn the name of the vampire who fell in love with her wife he try to kill Dracula but Jessica stopped him…Dracula ask Jessica:Is that man your husband?” and Jessica answer:”Yes but I never love him he make me love him….with he magical the only man I love in my life is you Dracula…”And then the man who him name it was Mike he fight with Jessica(Jessica was try to protect Dracula) Then she didn’t access to kill him and Dracula is that who kill him and save Jessica for her death from Mike….I hope my story can be true on “Hotel Transylvania 3″Please if my story be true give a happy end of that Love story with Dracula and Jessica.(And of course in that story is Mavis,Jonathan,Dennis….all is there for help Dracula and Jessica….) Please complete my love story.Thanks :)

  3. Root

    I think they need to find a way to turn johnny into a vampire or he will be dead before his kid grows up.

  4. Jenny

    I think that you should make a love story between Denis and Wendy