Sukiyaki Western Django

The movie Sukiyaki Western Django: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Sukiyaki Western Django Quentin Tarantino New Clip

Sukiyaki Western Django Official Poster

Besides being a film director Quentin Tarantino is also a cow boy! Check this latest preview clip from Sukiyaki Western Django:

Sukiyaki Western Django Clips

I wonder if Quentin Tarantino is member of the NRA like Charton Heston was before he died…

Sukiyaki Western Django is a laud to Django

DjangoSukiyaki Western Django

The upcoming western movie directed by takes most of its references from Django, a cult western film. More details at:

Sukiyaki Western Django Celebrates The Original Django Western Movie

The original movie was great, but the Japanese version which is starring Quentin Tarantino is even better!

Sukiyaki Western Django US Trailer

The US trailer of has finally been unveiled and it looks great!

Watch it below:

Sukiyaki Western Django Official US Trailer

Quentin Tarantino and Japanese Director Takashi Miike appreciate the work of each other. That’s why Director Quentin Tarantino is playing a role among the cast of the western spaghetti Sukiyaki Western Django.

Sukiyaki Western Django When Quentin Tarantino Is Hungry He kills The Snake

Quentin Tarantino in Sukiyaki Western DjangoDon’t bug Quentin Tarantino when it’s breakfast time! He is ready to do anything to get his morning eggs! Even ready to take his meal back from a snake stomach!

Watch the preview clip of Sukiyaki Western Django, you’ll see it by your own:

Surrealist scene from Sukiyaki Western Django with Quentin Tarantino killing a snake and opening its stomach with his knife.

Many more clips at: Sukiyaki Western Django Preview Clips

Sukiyaki Western Django is a spaghetti western from Japan filmed in English. It stunningly blends samurai swords and guns under the direction of Takashi Miike!

Sukiyaki Western Django Trailer From Japan

Sukiyaki Western DjangoJapanese director Takashi Miike wants to mix guns and samurai swords in Sukiyaki Western Django. Check the trailer shown for the movie in Japan, and don’t worry, Takashi Miike decided to make the movie in English from the start:

Sukiyaki Western Django Japanese Trailer

This movie has been inspired by the original cult spaghetti western movie Django released in 1966.

Sukiyaki Western Django

Sukiyaki Western Django PosterSukiyaki Western Django
Directed by Takashi Miike
Starring Hideaki Ito, Masanobu Ando, Shun Oguri, Quentin Tarantino
Release Date: August 29, 2008

More Information at: Sukiyaki Western Django Trailer