Tank 432

The movie Tank 432: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Tank 432 Movie trailer

Check out the official trailer of Tank 432 (aka Belly of the Bulldog), the upcoming British psychological horror thriller movie written and directed by Nick Gillespie

TANK 432

A dangerous mission. A disturbing discovery.

The only thing more terrifying than what’s outside is what’s inside!

Plot synopsis:
“On the run and with nowhere to hide, a group of soldiers and their two prisoners take cover from a mysterious enemy inside an abandoned military war tank. Whilst they try to keep the forces outside at bay, secrets are uncovered and little do they realize the real enemy is already among them, locked inside Tank 432.”

And here’s the film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Tank 432 Movie Poster
TANK 432

There’s no turning back.

From Executive Producer Ben Wheatley,
Director of Kill List and High-Rise

Well, you definitely something’s no right in that tank, lol! Can’t wait to see what it’s all about! And you?

The release date of Tank 432 is set to August 22, 2016 (straight to DVD, UK release).