Turbo Kid

The movie Turbo Kid: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Turbo Kid Movie Trailer

Here’s the official trailer of Turbo kid, the upcoming science-fiction movie directed by Anouk Whissell, Francois Simard and Yoann-Karl Whissell:

“It’s 1997. In a ruined post-apocalyptic world, the orphaned Kid survives on his own through drought-ridden nuclear winter, traversing the Wasteland on his BMX, scavenging for scraps to trade for a scant supply of water. When his perpetually chipper, pink-haired new best friend Apple is kidnapped by a minion of evil overlord Zeus, the Kid summons the courage of his comic book hero and prepares to deliver turbocharged justice to Zeus, his buzzsaw-handed sidekick Skeletron, and their vicious masked army.”

Two earlier posters of the film:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

And here’s a preview clip from the film:

Turbo Kid – Fire

The film is starring Munro Chambers, Laurence Leboeuf, Michael Ironside, Aaron Jeffery, and Edwin Wright.

The release date of Turbo Kid is set to August 28, 2015.