International Trailer Twilight Movie

Twilight Edward and Bella are so romantic!

Watch below the latest international trailer of the movie Twilight:

Twilight International Trailer

This new cut of the Twilight trailer shows scenes different than the final US trailer of Twilight. I think more Twilight clips, besides the Ballet Scene, will be available soon. The Twilight preview clips will show if the movie is really faithful to Stephenie Meyer’s novel.

9 Responses - “International Trailer Twilight Movie”

  1. Martha

    OMG i just finished the entire series and I LOVED it. It was amazing. When I read the first book i couldn’t believe what i was reading.

  2. alaska cullen

    I love the new trailer! People are saying the movie is wrong, but they can’t please everyone. Anywho I’m happy! Can’t weight for the movie!! Looking for a new book? Read the Host by Stephenie Meyer one word: AMAZING!!!!!

  3. Angelica

    i love this fukin book its so amazing it turns me on! i love edward i imagine him wit a big vampire penis! ever since i read the books i started sleeping upside down!! i love blood! i like smelling the book because it reminds me of the coolness. im so horny right now

  4. magalini

    i so agree wit u angelica i hate garlic! im gunna sleep outside the theater the day before the movie comes out but upside down wen the light comes out im gunna cover myself wit my cape! do u want me to touch u angelica! me so horny

  5. angelica

    oh yes u can b edward and ill b bella! i stoped eating garlic bread after i read the books. i burned the books and then i brought them back to life! im amazing! dude can i sleep wit u wen u go see the movie? grrrrrrr EDWARD DO ME! (upside down!)

  6. angelica

    omg dude i think i got bit by a vampire

  7. magalini

    angelica…how old are you??
    just wanna know i dont wanna go to jail…

  8. angelica

    well baby…im legal!! you can touch me and we can re-enact the scene with bella and edward together!

  9. noel

    ooooooh can i j0in??