A second movie trailer of Despicable Me, an upcoming animated movie directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud:
“Gru (voiced by Steve Carell), an Intolerable villain masterminds the ultimate plot to steal the moon, with help from his evil mother. However, when a trio of orphan girls come under his care and refuse to leave, he is forced to rethink his plans.”
Gru may have a hard time to catch the attention of a large public. But I can imagine this film doing well later on some network: still looks like a good movie for kids after all. And actually I kind of like what’s shown in this new movie trailer of Despicable Me: I wish I could fortify my property with so many geeky gadgets!
The movie Despicable Me is an upcoming 3D animated film directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud. The movie can boast the voice of Steve Carrel in the role of Gru, the machiavellian villain who wants to steal the Moon:
“In a happy suburban neighborhood surrounded by white picket fences with flowering rose bushes, sits a black house with a dead lawn. Unbeknownst to the neighbors, hidden beneath this home is a vast secret hideout. Surrounded by a small army of minions, we discover Gru (Steve Carell), planning the biggest heist in the history of the world. He is going to steal the moon.
Gru delights in all things wicked. Armed with his arsenal of shrink rays, freeze rays, and battle-ready vehicles for land and air, he vanquishes all who stand in his way. Until the day he encounters the immense will of three little orphaned girls who look at him and see something that no one else has ever seen: a potential Dad.
Looks like the movie Despicable Me won’t be much politically correct. Well, no real ground to take offense. I think that such funny stereotypes, as long as there is a clever plot behind, are something useful in animation because they make the characters more vivid and it’s easier to understand their personalities. Regarding the CGI behind Despicable Me: it may not look like state of the art CGI, but I still like it. Actually I think that art, voices and stereotypes are a good match that promise a quite funny and entertaining animated movie for 2010.
I went on the official site of Despicable Me (which is of course hosted at Despicable.me here), don’t know who’s singing, bu can’t get the little song out of my head:
Despicable Me!
Sign me up for the 3D animated movie Despicable Me!
Despicable Me
Genre: Animation/Family
Directed by: Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud
Starring: Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Will Arnett, Kristen Wiig, Danny McBride, Miranda Cosgrove, Jack McBrayer
Release Date: July 9, 2010