Pixar Up Movie Trailer 2

Movie Pixar Up in 2009

A second movie trailer of Up has been released by Disney Pixar. Up is an upcoming animated movie by Pixar which for once will mostly focus on real humans, namely Carl Fredricksen, an old widow, and Carl, a young chubby boy.

You may watch below the Pixar up movie trailer:

Pixar Up New Trailer

I don’t really like to see a fatty boy described as a hero in the movie… Hey, our youth needs real models! Being overweight like Carl at such a young age can but have a terrific impact on health later… Too often parents let kids eat what they want. So if movies are showing fatty heroes by now, where are we going?!

Anyway, I bet the Diney Pixar magic will be as efficient as usual, and that most people will appreciate Up, the latest Pixar movie, in 2009.

8 Responses - “Pixar Up Movie Trailer 2”

  1. Daniel

    “I don’t really like to see a fatty boy described as a hero in the movie… Hey, our youth needs real models!”

    Last time I checked, ‘fatty boys’ were real. They’re all over the place. As someone who has had problems with weight my entire life, I find this kind of remark rather naive, short-sighted and cruel.

    Fat people can do heroic things.

    You complain parents let kids eat whatever they want. And you’re right. Pixar showing a chubby boy has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    Parents should be parents and NOT let kids eat whatever they want.

    It’s not Pixar’s job to parent. It’s Pixar’s job to make movies that real people can enjoy and relate you. And not all “real people” are thin.

  2. Kristen

    I agree with Daniel, it is disturbing that someone actually believes being a hero means being thin.

  3. John

    Yes! I too agree! Regardless size, race, religion, color….human are still human…Shame on You!

  4. dynamiterose

    A) From an art viewpoint the characters are stylized… you know… not real… a cartoon
    B) Normal, healthy children can have round faces… really the over obsesive need for everyone to be thin thin thin to the point of NOT being healthy has gone to far…
    C) So… what… Chubby= Villain and Thin=Hero?
    D) I think that the point is even a rounder, different little kid can be a hero.

    Seriously, making kids think that chubby=bad person is not good either. Yes, we need to support good eating habits, but we also need to educate about different body types. Not everyone is Kate Moss. I also think it’s terribly sad that if you are over a size 6 people will think you are a bad person…

  5. Max

    Well, I realized something quickly …THAT IS your opinion, shamely you have to limit yourself to watch movies like The Island, Zoolander, Super Model or any Paris Hilton ridiculous movie maybe? (be perfect looking or die! …COME ON!!!) …why people does still think everybody needs a perfect body? …don’t you think education is more important? …obviously I’m talking about an integral and complete education which needs contain lots of healthy habits, not only “what to eat” …this is supposed to be a funny movie, and lots of kids don’t like to watch a boring green-things-eater-model-hero …also I bet the most of the people is not going to realize if that kid was chunky or thin, don’t even will ask themselves about terrific healthy impacts or fatty heroes.

  6. Cecil

    I side with the author. The fat kid makes me ill. He’s disgusting to watch — he’s morbidly obese, but so is half of America.

    Maybe you peeps saw Wall-E? There was a reason the humans were morbidly obese in that film — technology had made them physically lazy.

    Kids like to look at kids on screen that are just as morbidly obese as they are, right? Makes them feel more secure in being morbidly obese, eh? Great. Best of luck to you all.

  7. jazz

    i dont think that is about been fat or thin, is about been fit, what difference would it make if you are thin but still no strong enough to do stuff like work.

  8. EKB

    I am an animator and am trained in character design as well as animation and the characters were designed rounder (Fat) to make them more lovable. It is a subconscious reaction that animators use to help tell the story. It is them same logic that musicians use to make scores. The simplest elements change the viewer’s reaction to the story. Carl, in particular, has a very square form to help that cranky old man feel but the edges are rounded to give him a softness to make you care more about him. Also, if you look at Muntz or the mysterious corporate men at the beginning, they have very straight and sharp lines to make you feel more apprehensive about that character when they are on screen. As for Russel, he modeled after a particular person who exists in real life that works for Pixar. Peter Sohn was the inspiration behind the character Russel in both looks and in personality.