Renesmee in Twilight Breaking Dawn Movie

Renesmee - Breaking Dawn MovieProducer Wyck Godfrey told the LA Times that filming of Twilight Breaking Dawn would start this fall 2010. So the first part of Breaking Dawn will most likely be released in Summer 2011.

Twilight Breaking Dawn To Start Filming in Fall 2010

He also talked about Renesmee, the baby daughter of Bella and Edward:

“I keep having visions of ‘Benjamin Button’ in my head. It’s certainly going to be visual effects in some capacity along with an actor. I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being a full CG creation, but it also may be a human shot on a soundstage that then is used to shrink down. I don’t know. We need a director. When we get a director, that director will need to come with a point of view of how they want to tackle it.”

Producer Wyck Godfrey

I definitely want to watch the behind-the-scenes of twilight Breaking Dawn later on!

3 Responses - “Renesmee in Twilight Breaking Dawn Movie”

  1. megan

    wow i can’t wait!

  2. cathy

    Hi mr.condon

    I have two questions…

    1) is how R U going to do Renesmee? some talk about ALL CGI and some like 50/50 …me I would love to see her like wyck said kinda like benjamin buttons….that way it would look more real…

    2) we on twifans would like to know if U R going to keep to the book as much as possible..because Me for one LOVE Breaking Dawn it was my FAVE book and I would love to see EVERYTHING just like in the book…the honeymoon and the birth scene I know that there will be ALOT of YOUNGER kids seeing it but U do thoese scenes differently then the book…it would make alot of twihrads mad…so how will U think U would do it????

  3. Denise Mattingly

    Mr. Condon I would love to see renesmee exactly the way the book portrays her. I also think it would be a good idea to make the movie one long movie kindof the way titanic was instead of making 2 movies out of it. I do not feel that it would be a good idea to make it 3-D especially during the birthing scenes.