Shia Labeouf Indiana Jones 5

Update – January 1, 2016 – Walt Disney Company chairman and CEO Bob Iger told Bloomberg that an Indiana Jones 5 movie is definitely coming. That said I doubt it will star Shia Labeouf… It will either focus on Harrison Ford or on some new actor.

Indiana Jones 5 MovieA small update about Indiana Jones 5:

Indiana Jones 5 Trailer

“They’re script writing [Indiana Jones 5] right now. I got called into Steven’s office and he pitched a little bit to me and it sounds crazy, it sounds really cool.”

Actor Shia Labeouf

Crazy like Indiana Jones having to deal again with aliens and flying saucers? Or crazy like a hell of a movie?

2 Responses - “Shia Labeouf Indiana Jones 5”

  1. MsS12


    I’ll be wait for this movie to come out in theaters..

  2. James

    George Lucas I would like to thank you and your seemingly unquenchable greed for wrecking the star wars saga and now your going to wreck the indiana jones saga . It seems you just cant leave well enough alone . Shia Labeouf as indianas heir . I think i just threw up a little in my mouth .