4 Clips of 2:22

2 22 MovieYou may watch below four preview clips of of 2:22, the upcoming thriller movie directed by Paul Currie and starring Michiel Huisman, Teresa Palmer, and Sam Reid:

2:22 – Punch it

2:22 – First time at the ballet

2:22 – You saved me

2:22 – Coincidence
Plot synopsis:
β€œNew York City air traffic controller Dylan Branson (MICHIEL HUISMAN) is the embodiment of a guy at the top of his game, until one day at 2:22pm, a blinding flash of light paralyzes him for a few crucial seconds as two passenger planes barely avoid a midair collision. Suspended from his job, Dylan begins to notice the increasingly ominous repetition of sounds and events in his life that happen at exactly the same time everyday. An underlying pattern builds, mysteriously drawing him into Grand Central Station everyday 2:22pm. As he’s drawn into a complex relationship with a beautiful woman who works in an art gallery, Sarah (TERESA PALMER), disturbingly complicated by her ex-boyfriend Jonas (SAM REID), Dylan must break the power of the past, and take control of time itself.”

Do Michiel Huisman and Teresa Palmer make for a lovely couple on the big screen?

Release date: June 30, 2017.

Update – Three additional posters:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)


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