5 Clips of A United Kingdom

A United Kingdom FilmYou may watch below five preview clips of A United Kingdom to get a better idea of what to expect from the upcoming biography drama movie directed by Amma Asante and starring David Oyelowo, Rosamund Pike, Jack Davenport, and Tom Felton:

A United Kingdom – London proposal

A United Kingdom – I am his heir.

A United Kingdom – Women sing to Ruth

A United Kingdom – Kgotla speech

A United Kingdom – Meeting with Tshekedi
Plot synopsis:
β€œThe true story of the forbidden love of King Seretse Khama of Botswana (David Oyelowo) and Ruth Williams (Rosamund Pike), a white woman from London, which caused an international uproar when they decided to marry in the late 1940’s just as apartheid was being introduced into South Africa. It was a decision that altered the course of African history.”

What would you do if your daughter or your son was to marry a partner from another race? Would you wait with impatience for mixed race grandchildren?

US Release date: February 10, 2017.

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