A teaser poster for Kept Boy, the upcoming comedy movie directed by George Bamber based on a script by David Ozanich and starring Jon Paul Phillips, Thure Riefenstein, Greg Audino, Deosick Burney, John-Michael Carlton, Toni Romano-Cohen, Charles Fathy, Vivian Lamolli, Ellen Karsten, Carrie Madsen, and Tamara Zook:
The best things in life are kept.
“Interior Designer/Reality Show star Farleigh Knock has a knack for keeping beautiful things, like adonic Dennis, around his home. So when Fairleigh gives him the unthinkable ultimatum for his 30th birthday, to get a job or get out, Dennis goes from Kept Boy to Lost Man.”
So basically his sugar daddy said the three words no Kept Boy wants to hear, “get a job!”
And here below a few pictures from the film:
The film has yet to get an official US release date, sometime in August.
Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Kept Boy.