Clip of Dance Academy

Dance AcademyWe’ve got our hands on a preview clip of Dance Academy, the upcoming dance drama movie directed by Jeffrey Walker based on a script by Samantha Strauss and starring Xenia Goodwin, Dena Kaplan, Jordan Rodrigues, Alicia Banit, Thomas Lacey, Keiynan Lonsdale (yep Kid Flash!), and Tara Morice:

Dance Academy – Opera house
Plot synopsis:
“The feature film based on the incredibly successful two-time Emmy nominated Australian TV series of the same name, DANCE ACADEMY commences eighteen months after the end of Season 3. In the film, the characters are all older and living different lives to their life in the Academy. Tara Webster (played by Xenia Goodwin) is destined to become one of the top dancers of her generation until a devastating injury prevents her career progressing. In her quest to defy the odds, and make her comeback, Tara redefines the meaning of her dreams.”

Any fan of Dance Academy out there? Are you impatient to see the film?

In Australian theaters on April 6, 2017.

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