A United Kingdom Movie Poster

There’s a first official poster for A United Kingdom, the upcoming biography drama movie directed by Amma Asante and starring David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


The true story of a love that shook an empire.

Plot synopsis:
“The inspiring true story of Seretse Khama, the king of Bechuanaland (modern Botswana), and Ruth Williams, the London office worker that he married in 1948 in the face of fierce opposition from their families and the British and South African governments. Seretse and Ruth defied family, apartheid and empire – their love triumphed over every obstacle flung in their path and in so doing they transformed their nation and inspired the world.”

Are you as open-minded as Seretse and Ruth?

Here’s the movie trailer of A United Kingdom if you haven’t seen it yet:

In theaters: November 25, 2016 (UK release).

Update – An additional poster (thanks Mike!):

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


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