Ascent to Hell movie trailer

Ascent To HellYou may watch below the official trailer of Ascent to Hell, the upcoming horror thriller movie directed by Dena Hysell and starring Azura Skye, Cayleb Long, Bill Sage, Taylor Black, John Hennigan, William Ryall, Slate Holmgren, Jonathan C. Kaplan, Richard H. Blake, Nicole Vogt-Lowell, and Kevin Hoffman:


Every building has a history.

But some are darker than others.

Once it has you there is no escape

Plot synopsis:
“When a realtor shows an old New York factory building to a group of would-be investors, they are unwittingly caught in its tragic and sinister history.”

That almighty ghost could kill them all in no time but he prefers to kill them slowly, what a sadistic ghost!

The release date of the movie Ascent to Hell is set to March 14, 2017 (on most VOD platforms).

Update – A preview clip from the film:

And a new international poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Some buildings are better left alone.


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