AXL Movie trailer

AXL 2018Check out the first official trailer of A.X.L., the upcoming science-fiction adventure movie written and directed by Oliver Daly and starring Alex Neustaedter, Becky G, and Alex MacNicoll:


One discovery. One connection.

This Summer how far would you go to save a friend?

Plot synopsis:
“In the vein of classic ‘80s family movies SHORT CIRCUIT and FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR, A.X.L. is a new adventure about a down-on-his luck teenage bike rider, Miles (Alex Neustaedter), who stumbles upon an advanced, robotic, military dog named A.X.L. Endowed with next-generation artificial intelligence but with the heart of a dog, A.X.L. forms an emotional bond with Miles, much to the chagrin of the rogue military scientists who created A.X.L. and would do anything to retrieve him. Knowing what is at stake if A.X.L. gets captured, Miles teams up with his smart, resourceful crush, Sara (Becky G), to protect his new best friend on a timeless, epic adventure for the whole family.”

Damn, Sony’s Aibo did evolve: what a mighty beast it has become! Anyway, this film is going to be good fun!

The film will hit theaters on August 24, 2018.

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