Black 47 Movie poster

Update – The latest poster:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

Black 47 New Film Poster

Take a look to those two new posters of Black 47, the upcoming drama movie directed by Lance Daly and starring Hugo Weaving and James Frecheville:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

Black 47 Movie Poster

In Ireland’s darkest hour vengeance shines a light.

Justice comes homes!

Plot synopsis;
“Set in Ireland during the Great Famine, the drama follows an Irish Ranger (James Frecheville) who has been fighting for the British Army abroad, as he abandons his post to reunite with his family. Despite experiencing the horrors of war, he is shocked by the famine’s destruction of his homeland and the brutalization of his people and his family.”

There’s no stopping the Irish avenger!

We also spotted two new pictures from the film:

(Click on a picture to enlarge.)

Black 47 Movie - Freddie Fox a nd Hugo WeavingBlack 47 - Riot

No official release date yet.

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