Brave New Jersey Movie trailer

Brave New JerseyCheck out the first official trailer of Brave new Jersey, the upcoming comedy movie directed by Jody Lambert and starring Tony Hale, Heather Burns, Anna Camp, Raymond J. Barry, Dan Bakkedahl, Sam Jaeger, Mel Rodriguez, Matt Oberg, Evan Jonigkeit, Grace Kaufman, Erika Alexander, Leonard Earl Howze, Noah Lomax, and Harp Sandman:

Plot synopsis:
“A small New Jersey town in 1938 is overcome with mass hysteria on the night of Orson Welles’s legendary 1938 ‘War of the Worlds’ radio broadcast, the hoax which fooled millions into believing America was being invaded by Martians.”

A brand new poster has also been unveiled:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


An alien invasion comedy where the aliens never show up.

The power of fake news is nothing new… You should always keep a skeptical mind! That said, would you be as ready as those brave people if there was an actual alien invasion?

Still no official release date.

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