6 Clips of Last Flag Flying

Steve Carell, Bryan Cranston, and Laurence Fishburne - Last Flag Flying movieWe’ve got our hands on six preview clips of Last Flag Flying, the upcoming drama comedy movie directed by Richard Linklater and starring Steve Carell, Bryan Cranston, and Laurence Fishburne:

Last Flag Flying – A decent man

Last Flag Flying – How did he die?

Last Flag Flying – Cellphones

Last Flag Flying – How’s the living over there

Last Flag Flying – I thought I was talking

Last Flag Flying – Larry
Plot synopsis:
“In 2003, 30 years after they served together in the Vietnam War, former Navy Corps medic Larry ‘Doc’ Shepherd (Steve Carell) re-unites with ex-Marine Sal Nealon (Bryan Cranston) and Reverend Richard Mueller (Laurence Fishburne) on a different type of mission: to bury Doc’s son, a young Marine killed in the Iraq War. Doc decides to forgo burial at Arlington Cemetery and, with the help of his old buddies, takes the casket on a bittersweet trip up the East Coast to his home in suburban New Hampshire. Along the way, Doc, Sal and Mueller reminisce and come to terms with shared memories of the war that continues to shape their lives.”

Don’t forget your Kleenex tissues when you go see this one!

Release date: November 3, 2017.

Update – New international posters:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

Last Flag Flying UK Banner PosterLast Flag Flying New Film PosterLast Flag Flying Japan Poster


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