3 Clips of Tyrel

Tyrel 2018You may watch below three preview clips of Tyrel, the upcoming drama comedy movie starring Jason Mitchell, Christopher Abbott, Michael Cera, Caleb Landry Jones, Ann Dowd, Reg E. Cathey, Michael Zegen, Phillip Ettinger, Roddy Bottum, Max Born, Nicolas Arze, and Trust Arancio:

Tyrel – Black accent

Tyrel – Why is it weird in the first place?

Tyrel – It’s actually Tyler
Plot synopsis:
“Tyler (Jason Mitchell) is the lone black man on a weekend getaway with hard partying white strangers. As the testosterone and alcohol get out of hand, Tyler’s trip begins to feel like a nightmare.”

Come on, young black man, get out… this is unlikely to end well…

The film is directed by Sebastian Silva.

Release date: December 5, 2018.

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