3 Clips of We Die Young

JCVD We Die YoungWe’ve got our hands on three preview clips of We Die Young, the latest action thriller drama movie starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, Elijah Rodriguez, Joana Metrass, Jacob Scipio, Uriel Emil, Nicholas Sean Johnny, Joseph Long, and David Castañeda:

I know what’s best

Chase scene

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Plot synopsis;
“In this action thriller, Jean Claude Van Damme stars as a veteran with PTSD who helps two boys get revenge on a cruel drug lord that rules a dangerous barrio of Washington, D.C.”

JCVD goes on the warpath against MS-13: he’s going to destroy those tattooed criminals, hell yeah!

The film is directed by Lior Geller.

Release date: March 1, 2019 (in select theaters and on VOD).

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