Dementia 13 movie

Take a look to this teaser poster of Dementia 13, the upcoming horror thriller movie remake directed by Richard LeMay based on a script by Dan DeFilippo and Justin Smith and starring Channing Pickett, Marianne Noscheze, Christian Ryan, Julia Campanelli, and Ana Isabelle:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Plot synopsis:
“Some ghosts you can’t rid of, other ghosts want to get rid of you. This modernized remake of Coppola’s debut film, Dementia 13 follows an old-money family still dealing with the death of its youngest daughter several years later. While honoring the daughter’s death, a long con, an axe-wielding serial killer, and a vengeful ghost all coalesce in the same night to target the family. Everyone in the family has a secret, nobody wants to face what they did, and for someone to survive, the truth needs to come out – sooner than later.”

There’s also a still from the film:

(Click on the picture to enlarge.)

Dementia 13 Movie Still

The release date of the movie is set to:
– October 6, 2017 in theaters;
– October 10, 2017 on VOD and Digital HD.

Here’s the movie trailer of the original 1963 movie directed by Francis Ford Coppola:


Stay tuned with us for more details.

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