Devil’s Cove Movie Trailer

Devil's Cove MovieHere’s the official trailer of Devil’s Cove, the upcoming thriller movie directed by Erik Lundmark based on a script by Chloe Traicos and starring Michael Keyes, Chloe Traicos, Sammy Anderson, Mindee de Lacey, Caesar James, Louann Fernald, Tiffany Toney, Rebecca Tudor, Romy Teperson, Asger Folmann, Jeff Prater, Ron Althoff, Cameron Barnes, Jakob Renken, Davis Barber, Kent Hatch, Christelle Baguidy, Dante Da Vinci, Luke S. Perisin, Andrew Valenzuela, Jamie Miles, and Stewart Coleman:

Plot synopsis:
“An interracial lesbian couple commit a murder and have to flee for their lives.”

There’s also a film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Devil's Cove Movie Poster

You come here innocent… you leave guilty.

The film has yet to get an official release date.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Devil’s Cove.

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