Dirty God Movie trailer

Dirty God Film Vicky KnightYou may watch below the first official trailer of Dirty God, the upcoming acid attack drama movie directed by Sacha Polak and starring Vicky Knight, Katherine Kelly, Eliza Brady-Girard, Rebecca Stone, Bluey Robinson, and Dana Marienci:

Plot synopsis:
“Jade (Vicky Knight) is a young mother in the prime of her life when an acid attack leaves her severely burned. While her face has been reconstructed, her beauty is lost beneath the scars. Descending a self-destructive path with relationships crumbling, Jade must take drastic action to reclaim her life.”

The vicious freaks who throw acid at people should burn at the stake, would serve them right for their horrifying stupidity!

Anyway, there’s also a film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Dirty God Movie Poster

Accept. Forget. Move on.

A Sacha Polak film.

And a batch of pictures from the film:

(Click on a picture to enlarge.)

No official US release date yet.

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