Due Date is an upcoming comedy movie directed by Todd Phillips (who brought us the Hangover) and starring Robert Downey Jr, Jamie Foxx, Zach Galifianakis, and Michelle Monaghan. It is set for a release on November 5, 2010.
Due Date Trailer
Here below a first look at Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifianakis in the movie Due Date:
“Robert Downey will play an expectant father who finds himself on a road trip with a mismatched partner, as he races to get there before his wife (Michelle Monaghan) gives birth to his first child. Zach Galifianakis plays his road trip mate in a comedy that Director Todd Phillips calls ‘a buddy comedy without the buddies’.”
Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifianakis together as the lead actors of a comedy movie directed by the Hangover Director Todd Phillips? Damn, sign me up for that one! I bet we’re all going to have a good laugh with the movie Due Date.
I was glad to be a part of the making of Due Date as a production assistant. Really enjoyed working with such a professional and fantastic crew. Had fun in Vicksburg and Shreveport Louisiana.
Mike Koskie