The Happening Glocal Mexican Posters

Do you know the word ‘glocalisation’? It’s is a portmanteau of globalisation and localisation. The term boils down to a simple motto: think globally and act locally.

Well looks like Hollywood wants to go glocal. Indeed you may have seen the glocal international banners of I Am Legend from last December where the end of the world was shown in different cities around he world (even if the plot of the movie was within the ruins of New York).

The same glocalisation concept has been applied to Mexican posters of The Happening, upcoming thriller mystery movie by Director M. Night Shyamalan:
(Click on a poster to enlarge it.)

Guadalajara - The Happening Mexico - The Happening Monterrey - The Happening

Much more at: The Happening trailer

The not-so-secret twist plague of the Happening goes beyond the American borders, and does it quite overtly (after all, no need to stow away when one wants to get out of the USA, but getting in is usually more difficult…).

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