Howard Lovecraft and the Frozen Kingdom Movie trailer

Howard Lovecraft and the Frozen Kingdom movieYou may watch below the first official trailer of Howard Lovecraft & the Frozen Kingdom, the upcoming animated movie written and directed by Sean Patrick O’Reilly based on the graphic novel of the same name by Bruce Brown:

Plot synopsis:
“Before he becomes the famed horror writer H. P. Lovecraft, young Howard Lovecraft is a curious and imaginative boy living with his mother. But after she unwittingly gives Howard the legendary Necronomicon, he is transported to a dangerous and frozen world populated by horrifying creatures. After saving and befriending one such creature – Spot – Howard and his new friend set off on a perilous quest to save the kingdom and get Howard home. But Howard soon finds out that not everything is as it seems and not everyone is to be trusted.”

Cute story, but the animation is a bit off-putting… Will you still give it a try?

Anyway, two posters of the film:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

The release date of Howard Lovecraft And The Frozen Kingdom is set to September 27, 2016.

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