Insidious Clip

Insidious MovieLet’s watch this new creepy movie clip of Insidious:

Insidious Trailer

Insidious – Two creepy little girls

For your own safety don’t take pictures if the place is haunted, or if there’s someone who’s possessed nearby!

One Response - “Insidious Clip”

  1. chris cosejo

    This movie is way to much…………some were true but it’s not what it look’s like……….astral is a gift never to be taking advantage it’s true that is dangerous but if you have this gift you seldom used it bec. you never know if your chi is strong or not. there is onething they never mention in the movie they forget to discuss about a silvercord…………that attached from your body and your spirit……………

    anyway I am impress…………….
    It’s a good movie thou……………
    better than the paranormal……..