John Wick 3

John Wick 3 MovieJohn Wick 3
Genre: Action/Thriller
Directed by: Chad Stahleski
Starring: Keanu Reeves
Release Date: TBA 2018

More Information at: John Wick 3 Trailer

2 Responses - “John Wick 3”

  1. Robyn Desher

    It should take place somewhere remote like in the outback in Australia. He would be working on a sheep ranch .

  2. James Cooper

    I believe the perfect beginning to chapter 3 is John going back to his house while he still has the hour’s time and retrieving his original case that he buried in concrete, but below that case is another small case with disguises (borrowing from Mission Impossible) and passports. What Winston and the High Table don’t know is John has a cache of weapons hidden in every city in every country on every continent! Since the high table has the $14 million reward on his head, John has to and plans on killing every member of the high table one by one to remove the bounty on his head. As he works his way through each one the bounty keeps growing and the members of the high table become more and more afraid! John still has Cassian and Santini’s bodyguard looking for revenge too! Also running parallel to this, the high table blames Winston and the Continental for the death of Santini D’Antonio. They now want to place their own representative as head of the Continental by eliminating (killing) Winston. If John kills all of the high table he also saves Winston and will be able to be reinstated as a member voiding his excommunicado!