Keep in Touch Movie trailer

Keep In Touch MovieYou may watch below the official trailer of Keep in Touch, the upcoming drama ccomedy movie directed by Sam Kretchmar based on a script he co-wrote with Michael Angelo Covino and starring Ryan Patrick Bachand, Gabbi McPhee, Michael Covino, Sarah Nealis, Reggie Watts, Peter Friedman, James Colby, Laura Steinel, and Jill Eikenberry:


Sometimes a fresh start begins with a new melody.

Plot synopsis:
“After a major crisis, a man attempts to track down his long-lost first love, only to discover that she was killed in a car accident many years prior. His online search leads him to her younger sister, an aspiring musician who bears a striking resemblance to the girl he used to love. Quickly becoming obsessed, he arranges a not-so-chance meeting and a relationship blossoms between the two before he has a chance to disclose his true identity.”

This man is a creep… And I’m sad for the younger sister because I doubt she will take it well when that creep will tell her the truth about their not-so-chance meeting…

And here’s the film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Sometimes the past catches up with the present.

The film has yet to get an official release date.

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