Kick-Ass Nicolas Cage and Hit-Girl

We may finally have a look at Nicolas Cage as the old cop and Chloe Moretz who plays the role of his daughter Hit-Girl, in the upcoming movie Kick-Ass:

Kick-Ass Pics

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Nicolas Cage and Chloe Moretz (Hit-Girl) – Kick-Ass Movie

Aaron Johnson as Kick-Ass – Kick-Ass Movie

Nicolas Cage – Kick-Ass Movie

Boys in a comic book shop – Kick-Ass Movie

The movie Kick-Ass, directed by Matthew Vaughn, is actually adapted from a comic-book of the same name by Mark Millar. It’s about a boy without any superpowers, who inspired by the comic-books he’s always reading, decides to transform into a vigilante and to fight crime in his city.

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