Mackenzie Foy as Renesmee in Twilight Breaking Dawn

Twilight Breaking Dawn MovieAuthor Stephenie Meyer just confirmed that Mackenzie Foy, a doll-faced 9-year-old newcomer, will play as Renesmee Cullen in the upcoming twilight Breaking Dawn movie:

Breaking Dawn Movie

Mackenzie Foy

“Very excited about our new Renesmee, Mackenzie Foy. She’s an amazing young actress and I’m excited to work with her.”

Stephenie Meyer

Renesmee is the half-vampire half-human hybrid born out of Edward and Bella’s love. She’s a kind of super-baby: she rapidly grows both mentally and physically, able to speak only seven days after her birth. I guess they will also use CGI then.

One Response - “Mackenzie Foy as Renesmee in Twilight Breaking Dawn”

  1. samantha

    i cant wait to see the movie!!! i know it will be awesome! :)