Man Underground Movie Trailer

Man Underground MovieCheck out the official trailer of Man Underground, the upcoming science-fiction drama movie directed by Michael Borowiec and Sam Marine and starring George Basil, Pamela Fila, Andy Rocco, and Felix Hagen:

Plot synopsis:
“In a small town in upstate NY, Willem Koda (George Basil), a retired geologist and alien conspiracy theorist, struggles to find an audience for his controversial beliefs. After befriending Flossie (Pamela Fila), a local waitress and aspiring actress, and Todd (Andy Rocco), an amateur filmmaker living off his Uncle’s inheritance, Willem decides to make a low-budget movie about his life, re-enacting scenes from his crumbled marriage and his violent encounters with aliens while working for the US Government. As the movie gets made, Flossie and Todd watch as Willem confronts his past and grows increasingly paranoid about his future.”

Aliens are real!

There’s also a film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Man Underground Movie Poster

The release date of the movie Man Underground is set to July 14, 2017.

Stay tuned with us for more details.

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