Here’s the official trailer of Loving Vincent, the upcoming fully painted animated biography drama movie directed by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman based on a script they co-wrote with Jacek Dehnel:
LOVING VINCENTPlot synopsis:
“No other artist has attracted more legends than Vincent van Gogh. Variously labelled a martyr, a lustful satyr, a madman, a genius and a layabout, the real Vincent is at once revealed in his letters, and obscured by myth and time. Vincent himself said in his last letter: ‘We cannot speak other than by our paintings’. We take him at his word and let the paintings tell the real story of Vincent van Gogh.”
We may expect a really special animated movie!
There’s also two film posters:
(Click on a poster to enlarge.)
“The truth is, we cannot speak other than by our paintings.”
Vincent van Gogh
The voice cast includes Robert Gulaczyk, Helen McCrory, Jerome Flynn, Saoirse Ronan, Aidan Turner, Chris O’Dowd, Eleanor Tomlinson, Douglas Booth, Holly Earl, John Sessions, James Greene, Richard Banks, Bill Thomas, Josh Burdett, Martin Herdman, Robin Hodges, Shaun Newnham, Joe Stuckey, Graham Pavey, Carole Le Clanche, and Andrew Scott-Marshall.
The US release date of the movie Loving Vincent is set to September 22, 2017.
Stay tuned with us for more details.