The Kid Who Would Be King Poster
Take a look to this new poster of The Kid Who Would Be King, the upcoming fantasy action adventure movie starring Louis Ashbourne Serkis, Dean Chaumoo, Tom Taylor, Rhianna Dorris, Angus Imrie, with Rebecca Ferguson, and Patrick Stewart:
An evil army to fight. A demon to slay. A world to save.
No pressure.
“Old school magic meets the modern world in the epic adventure THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING. Alex (Ashbourne Serkis) thinks he’s just another nobody, until he stumbles upon the mythical Sword in the Stone, Excalibur. Now, he must unite his friends and enemies into a band of knights and, together with the legendary wizard Merlin (Stewart), take on the wicked enchantress Morgana (Ferguson). With the future at stake, Alex must become the great leader he never dreamed he could be.”
Those sword-wielding kids are the champions of mankind against evil!
Update – A new poster:
Here’s the movie trailer of The Kid Who Would King if you haven’t seen it yet: Continue reading »