The Man From Outer Space Movie Trailer
Check out the official trailer of The Man From Outer Space, the upcoming science-fiction movie written and directed by Ben Hall and starring Christopher Mychael Watson, Aliyah Conley, Erica Auerbach, Jordan Dee Crabtree, Todd Christian Elliott, and Darren Hummel:
“Louis (Christopher Mychael Watson) finds his life in turmoil when his line of work suddenly puts his entire family at risk. Under extreme pressure, Louis stumbles into something that could change not only his world, but our very existence.”
There’s also a film poster:
Crash landing 2017.
I guess the film was made on low budget, but I dig it! And you?
The release date of the movie The Man From Outer Space is set to November 7, 2017.
Stay tuned with us for more details.