Check out the official trailer of The Marker, the upcoming crime thriller movie written and directed by Justin Edgar and starring Frederick Schmidt, Ana Ularu, John Hannah, Cathy Tyson, Struan Rodger, Lara Peake, Ian Sharp, Andrew Shim, Jack McMullen, Simon Lowe, Patrick Connolly, Barry Aird, Skye Lourie, Cosmo Jarvis, and Vanessa Donovan:
Plot synopsis:
“Convicted for manslaughter, troubled young criminal Marley (Frederick Schmidt) spends his time behind bars struggling to come to terms with the grief and guilt of his crime.
Upon his release, he determines to set things rights by finding and protecting his victim’s daughter Cristina (Lara Peake), only to discover that she has since been absorbed into a dark world of corruption and people trafficking.
Desperate to save Cristina from the fate he set in motion, yet welcomed back into his role in the mob, Marley finds himself in an impossible position: is he prepared to take on his underworld family for a shot at retribution?”
There are also two film posters:
(Click on a poster to enlarge.)
Well let’s hope he will manage to save the girl!
UK release date: October 9, 2017 (On Demand, Digital Download, and DVD).