The Monster Project Movie Trailer
Check out the creepy trailer of The Monster Project, the upcoming action horror movie directed by Victor Mathieu based on a script he co-wrote with Corbin Billings and Shariya Lynn and starring Yvonne Zima, Justin Bruening, Toby Hemingway, Murielle Zuker, Jim Storm, PeiPei Alena Yuan, Martin Lee White, Shayne Eastin, Shiori Ideta, Zac Cracknell, Phillip Sebal, Pat Scott, Jamal Quezaire, Steven Flores, and Susan Stangl:
It wasn’t supposed to be real.
It was supposed to be a documentary.
Do you believe in monsters?
“A horror film crew interview three people claiming to be ‘real life’ monsters – a skinwalker, a vampire, and a demon. When the night turns deadly, the crew must fight evil, inside and out.”
If you suffer from legitimate conditions like clinical lycanthropy and Renfield’s syndrome, or believe that you are afflicted by the supernatural or paranormal, then do call the Monster Project because they’re looking for real monsters to be interviewed for a documentary. Feel free to snack on the team once the interview is over!
The film has yet to get an official release date.
Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie The Monster Project.