Bart Freundlich’s Wolves

The movie Bart Freundlich’s Wolves: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Trailer of Wolves

Wolves Movie 2017Check out the official trailer of Wolves, the upcoming drama movie written and directed by Bart Freundlich and starring Michael Shannon, Carla Gugino, Taylor John Smith, Chris Bauer, and John Douglas Thompson:

Plot synopsis:
“An 18-year-old basketball star (Taylor John Smith) who is being recruited by Cornell University seems to have it all figured out: captain of his team, a good student, has a longtime girlfriend (Zazie Beetz) and some good friends. But at home he’s struggling with his troubled father (Michael Shannon) who has a gambling addiction. His mother (Carla Gugino) tries to keep the family afloat but does so with great emotional and financial sacrifice.”

Wolves looks like a well-built sport drama movie, so I think I will give it a try, plus it’s starring Michael Shannon!

The release date of the movie Wolves is set to March 3, 2017 (in theaterss and on demand).

Stay tuned with us for more details.

Wolves Movie starring Michael Shannon, Carla Gugino, and Taylor John Smith

Here’s a first official look at Wolves, the upcoming drama movie written and directed by Bart Freundlich and starring Michael Shannon, Carla Gugino, Taylor John Smith, Chris Bauer, and John Douglas Thompson:

(Click on a picture to enlarge.)

Plto synopsis:
“Anthony Keller (Taylor John Smith) is the captain of his NYC high school basketball team, riding his way to Cornell on a sports scholarship. He is smart, well-liked, and confident. But he can only maintain his popular jock facade for so long, as his troubled father Lee (Michael Shannon) has a gambling addiction that threatens to derail his dreams both on and off the court.”

The plot of Wolves doesn’t sound much exciting but since it’s starring Michael Shannon am willing to give a try. And you?

The film has yet to get an official release date.