
The movie Cents: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Cents Movie Trailer

Cents MovieHere’s the official trailer of Cents, the upcoming drama movie written and directed by Christopher Boone and starring Julia Flores, Lillie Kolich, Jy Prishkulnik, Claire Carter, Monique Candelaria, Esodie Geiger, and Lora Martinez-Cunningham:


A math whiz might game the system but everything comes at a price.

Plot synopsis:
“The inspiring story of a young girl learning to embrace her own brilliance, while navigating the rough and tumble world of middle school. The story of math whiz Sammy and her attempt to befriend the ‘cool’ kids with her scheme for the school penny drive is filled with wonderful performances and nuanced depictions of the relationships of both young girls and mothers and daughters.”

There’s also a film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Cents Movie Poster

You can’t change the world in a day.
But maybe you could in a month.

Do you like math? Or is it all Chinese to you?

The release date of the movie Cents is set to November 15, 2016 (on VOD and Digital HD).