
The movie Displacement: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Clip of Displacement

DisplacementWe’ve got our hands on a preview clip of Displacement, the upcoming science-fiction thriller movie starring Courtney Hope, Sarah Douglas, Bruce Davison, Susan Blakely, Christopher Backus, Lou Richards, and Karan Oberoi

Displacement – Taser fight
Plot synopsis:
“In this mind-bending paranormal thriller by award-winning Writer-Director Kenneth Mader, a young physics student (Courtney Hope) must find a way to reverse a deadly quantum time anomaly and solve the murder of her boyfriend (Christopher Backus) while battling short-term memory loss and time slips caused by the event. Primer, Fringe and Memento fans will love this!”

Have you ever been tasered? What does it feel like?

The film is written and directed by Kenneth Mader.

Release date: April 28, 2017 (in select theaters and On Demand).

Update – A new poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Displacement New Film Poster


Displacement Movie trailer

Displacement MovieYou may watch below the official trailer of Displacement, the upcoming science-fiction thriller movie written and directed by Kenneth Mader and starring Courtney Hope, Sarah Douglas, Bruce Davison, Susan Blakely, Christopher Backus, Lou Richards, and Karan Oberoi:

Plot synopsis:
“In this mind-bending paranormal thriller by award-winning Writer-Director Kenneth Mader, a young physics student (Courtney Hope) must find a way to reverse a deadly quantum time anomaly and solve the murder of her boyfriend (Christopher Backus) while battling short-term memory loss and time slips caused by the event. Primer, Fringe and Memento fans will love this!”

Would you dare to go back in time to change something in your timeline?

There’s also a film poster, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Time is relative.

The release date of the movie Displacement is set to April 28, 2017.

Stay tuned with us for more details.

Update – An additional poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Grief. Guilt. Love. Death. Time-travel.
