There’s a new US trailer for Handsome Devil, the upcoming drama comedy movie written and directed by John Butler and starring Fionn O’Shea, Nicholas Galitzine, Andrew Scott, Moe Dunford, and Michael McElhatton:
HANDSOME DEVILPlot synopsis:
“Ned, the bullied outsider, and Conor, a new boy and star athlete, are forced to room together at their cloistered boarding school. Conor is drafted into the senior rugby team, whose actions dominate school life and whose privilege and entitlement have made Ned’s life to date at the school a misery. The boys take an instant and visceral dislike to each other, and Ned and Conor seem destined to remain enemies until an English teacher, Mr. Sherry (Andrew Scott), begins to drill into them the value of finding one’s own voice. This lesson isn’t appreciated by everyone though, not least the rugby coach, Pascal (Moe Dunford), who has his own agenda, and who harbors some deep suspicions about Sherry.”
This film is no exercise in nostalgia. The story here of claiming one’s own identity is totally modern, one in which the children also have something to teach the adults. The most important lesson? Despite what everyone tells you, sometimes you shouldn’t pick a side – sometimes being yourself means being a little bit of everything.
There’s also a new poster, take a look below:
(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Follow the crowd, or follow your heart!
The US release date of the movie Handsome Devil is set to June 6, 2017 (in theaters, on DVD, and on Demand).