
The movie Haze: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Clip of Haze

Haze Movie October 2017We’ve got our hands on a preview clip of Haze, the upcoming fraternity hazing drama movie starring Kirk Curran, Mike Blejer, Jeremy O’Shea, Kristin Rogers, and Sophia Medley:

Haze – Ready for this?
Plot synopsis:
“In the aftermath of a brutal hazing death, a college freshman’s desire to join a fraternity is threatened when his older brother launches an anti-hazing crusade.”

Fraternities are for douchebags, just stay away from them!

The film is written and directed by David Burkman.

Release date: October 13, 2017 (in select theaters and on vod platforms).

Haze Movie trailer

Haze MovieYou may watch below the official trailer of Haze, the upcoming drama movie written and directed by David Burkman and starring Kirk Curran, Mike Blejer, Jeremy O’Shea, Kristin Rogers, Sophia Medley, Paul Savage, Nicholas Kedrock, Raamin Samiyi, Ryan Fearson, Aaron Stein, Drew Sinclair, Doug Henderson, Matthew McClain, Shaz Khan, and Nyk Schmalz:

Plot synopsis:
“In the aftermath of a brutal fraternity hazing death, a college freshman’s desire to join the best fraternity on campus is compromised when his older brother launches an anti-hazing crusade. A modern retelling of ancient Greek mythology, HAZE is a sobering, realistic portrait of what truly goes on behind fraternity and sorority house walls.”

Fraternities and sororities are evil shit holes for brainwashed zombies, stay away from them!

Anyway, here’s a film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Haze Movie Poster

A Greek tragedy.

The release date of the movie Haze is set to October 13, 2017 (on vod platforms).

Stay tuned with us for more details.