Monster League

The movie Monster League: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Monster League Movie

Two concept art pictures for Monster League aka (Oldzilla), the upcoming animated movie directed by Bob Bendetson based on a script by Bob Bendetson and Art Everett:

(Click on a picture to enlarge.)

Monster League Movie

Plot synopsis:
“King Saurus, the self-proclaimed ‘Lord of the Stomp’, is unwilling to admit Father Time is nipping at his heels. He wears a scale toupee and spends his days watching newsreel footage of his past destruction. Finally, he leaves his cave and moves into Fading Fast (a senior community in the Bermuda Triangle built exclusively for the ‘vintage’ Chinese monster). The place is run by Miss Petfarkin, a monster who’s obsessed with order and rules. King Saurus is stunned by the listlessness of his fellow behemoths and attempts to liven things up. He ultimately convinces Icarose and Birdy, an old married monster couple, to travel with him to Atlantic City to interrupt the grand opening of Rump Mart, the mega-store of mega-stores. This one last attempt at terrorizing ends up biting these senior citizen behemoths in the butt when Ronald Rump, the tyrannical owner of Rump Mart, brings in King Saurus’ old nemesis, the elderly Chinese monster hunter, Dai Anu. Anu, along with his daughter and granddaughter, arrives in America in order to battle and finally defeat the Lord of the Stomp.”

If Logan goes old, I guess Godzilla can get old too. Anyway, I sure would not want to miss a movie about an elderly kaiju who’s trying to keep the nightmare alive, lol!

Anyway, here’s an earlier teaser poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Monster League OldZilla Concept Artwork

The film has yet to get an official release date.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Monster League.