Palau the Movie

The movie Palau: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Palau Movie trailer

Palau The MovieYou may watch below the official trailer of Palau the movie, the upcoming biography drama movie directed by Kevin Knoblock and starring Manuel Espinosa, Daniel Roebuck, Scott Reeves, Jason MacDonald, Alexandra Bard, Gastón Pauls, Jim Gleason, Richard Shelton, Arthur Marroquin, Alexia Moyano, Darren Dowler, Michel Noher, Kalix Rullier, Alfred Castillo Jr., Jimena Crespo, Ramiro Mendez Roy, Veronica Calvo, and Denise Yañez:


Based on a true story.

The vision of one little boy who became a street preacher.

Reaching millions around the world.

Plot synopsis:
“PALAU the Movie tells the story of a man who was born in a small town in Argentina, committed his life to the works of the Lord and embarked on an incredible journey to become one of the greatest evangelists in history who has led countless people to Christ. Amidst both seemingly insurmountable struggles and remarkable miracles, Luis never lost sight of his calling. Luis Palau’s story demonstrates what God can do with a willing heart. PALAU the Movie will inspire people of faith for generations.”

There’s also a film poster, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Palau The Movie Poster

One man, millions of souls.

Well, definitely not my cup of tea…

The Us release date of Palau The Movie is set to April 4, 2019.

Stay tuned with us for more details.