Shockwave Countdown to Disaster

The movie Shockwave Countdown to Disaster: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Shockwave Movie Trailer

Shockwave MovieWe’ve got our hands on the first official trailer of Shockwave Countdown to Disaster, the upcoming actin thriller movie directed by Nick Lyons based on a script by Blaine Chiappetta, Rafael Jordan, and Ari Novakand starring Rib Hillis, Stacey Oristano, Morgan Lindholm, and Tyler Perez:

Plot synopsis:
“When massive volcanic storms begin to spew from the Earth, geophysicist Kate Ferris tries to convince the Department of Defense that this is no natural phenomenon. They’re the result of a seismic super weapon known as the Hell Storm device; and now that it’s been activated, the shockwaves it sends out will destroy major cities across the globe, killing millions. When her claims fall on deaf ears, Kate teams up with her daughter and estranged husband at the San Andreas fault line to find a way to counteract the destruction. As Kate and her family navigate the fault, they find themselves directly at the epicenter of the largest shockwave yet. Now, in a harrowing race against the clock, Kate must figure out how to stop the shockwave before its effects seal humanity’s fate once and for all.”

See, all you need to save earth is a good old nuke! Who said nukes are evil weapons? Sometimes the only way to save the planet is to shake it up!

Anyway there’s also a film poster, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Shockwave Movie Poster

The end is near!

The film has yet to get an official release date.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Shockwave Countdown to Disaster.