Smart People

The movie Smart People: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Smart People is starring Sarah Jessica Parker

Smart People is an upcoming comedy movie that stars Sarah Jessica Parker. Watch the clip on:

Smart People Stars Sarah Jessica Parker

Don’t miss this sexy actress in the movie: Sex and the City

I’m fan of Sarah Jessica Parker!

Smart People Preview

New Preview clips have shown up for Smart People, upcoming comedy movie starring Denis Quaid and Sarah Jessica Parker

Nice of you
Vanessa (Ellen Page) visits Lawrence (Dennis Quaid) in the hospital.

Chuck (Thomas Haden Church) drives Lawrence (Dennis Quaid) to work.

The Doctor Girlfriend
Chuck (Thomas Haden Church) meets Janet (Sarah Jessica Parker) on the porch.

Four Words
Chuck (Thomas Haden Church) tells Lawrence (Dennis Quaid) what he should say.

More clips at: Smart People

Denis Quaid looks ugly with his beard…

Smart People New TV Spot

Dennis Quaid and Sarah Jessica Parker are in love in Smart People, an upcoming comedy.

Smart People TV Spot

Yeap, we are really talking about Sarah Jessica Parker from Sex and the city in this movie!

Smart People Official Posters

Posters for Smart People are available!

Smart People Posters
Are you smart?

Smart People

Smart People - Denis QuaidSmart People
Directed by Noam Murro
Starring Sarah Jessica Parker, Thomas Haden Church, Ellen Page
Release Date: April 11, 2008

More Information at:

Smart People