The Harvesters

The movie The Harvesters: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

The Harvesters Movie trailer

The Harvesters movieYou may watch below the first official trailer of The Harvesters, the upcoming horror thriller movie written and directed by Nick Sanford and starring Alissa Rose Ford, Laurie Cummings, Adam Hampton, Emmy-winner Jason Gwynn, Andrew McDonald Lucas Ross, Sidney Flack, Arden Moad, and Page Tudyk:

Plot synopsis:
“Jane wants to change the world with old-fashioned, hard-hitting journalism, but instead she’s covering the Founder’s Day Bake Sale for her hometown newspaper, The Bailyville Times. She has a way out: a plane ticket to New York City. But on the morning of Halloween, a young couple goes missing, and Jane sets off on an investigation that will draw her closer to her hometown — and its secrets — than she could have ever imagined.”

And here’s the film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Fear midnight.

Obviously they had a small budget for the whole thing, but it still does look interesting. What do you think?

The release date of The Harvesters is set to October 18, 2016.