The Obsidian Curse

The movie The Obsidian Curse: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

The Obsidian Curse Movie Trailer

The Obsidian Curse movieCheck out the official trailer of The Obsidian Curse, the upcoming horror fantasy movie writtena dn directed by Rene Perez and starring Karin Brauns, Reggie Bannister, Richard Tyson, Nicole Stark
Charlie Glackin, John Scudari, Julia Lehman, John Caraccioli, Leia Perez, Cody Renee Cameron, Bryan Howell, and Sam Story:

Plot synopsis:
“A curse has turned a woman into some kind of magnet for evil and monsters.”

Yep, it’s a B movie, but I must admit that am intrigued by the trailer. I kind of want to see the film, lol. And you?

The film has yet to get an official release date., possibly sometime around Halloween 2016.