The Rider

The movie The Rider: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

4 Clips of The Rider

The RiderWe’ve got our hands on four preview clips of The Rider, the latest drama movie written and directed by Chloé Zhao and starring Brady Jandreau, Tim Jandreau, and Lilly Jandreau:

The Rider – Training

The Rider – Rodeo

The Rider – Good boy

The Rider – Prayer and sunrise
Plot synopsis:
“After suffering a near fatal rodeo injury, a young cowboy undertakes a search for new identity and what it means to be a man in a heartland of America.”

Will real-life cowboy Brady Jandreau stick to cows and horses following this film? Or will he turn to acting?

Release date: April 13, 2018 (in NY and LA).

Update – A new international poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

The Rider new poster from Germany


The Rider Trailer

The Rider Film 2018There’s a brand new trailer for The Rider, the upcoming drama movie written and directed by Chloé Zhao and starring Brady Jandreau, watch it below:

Plot synopsis:
“After a tragic riding accident, young cowboy Brady (Brady Jandreau), once a rising star of the rodeo circuit, is warned that his competition days are over. Back home, Brady finds himself
wondering what he has to live for when he can no longer do what gives him a sense of purpose: to ride and compete. In an attempt to regain control of his fate, Brady undertakes a search for new identity and tries to redefine his idea of what it means to be a man in the heartland of America.”

Do you think a diehard cowboy who can’t ride anymore can find a new purpose?

Anyway, we also spotted this new international poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

The Rider French Poster

Release date: April 13, 2018 (in NY and LA).

The Rider Movie Poster

A first official poster has been unveiled for The Rider, the upcoming drama movie starring Brady Jandreau, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

The Rider Film Poster

Plot synopsis:
“After suffering a near fatal head injury, a young cowboy (Brady Jandreau) undertakes a search for new identity and what it means to be a man in the heartland of America.”

For a start he should maybe get rid of that ugly little beard…

Anyway, here’s the movie trailer of The Rider if you haven’t seen it yet: Continue reading »

The Rider Movie trailer

The Rider MovieCheck out the first official trailer of The Rider, the upcoming drama movie written and directed by Chloé Zhao and starring Brady Jandreau, Tim Jandreau, and Lilly Jandreau:

Plot synopsis:
“Based on a true story, THE RIDER stars breakout Brady Jandreau as a once rising star of the rodeo circuit warned that his competition days are over after a tragic riding accident. Back home, Brady finds himself wondering what he has to live for when he can no longer do what gives him a sense of purpose: to ride and compete. In an attempt to regain control of his fate, Brady undertakes a search for new identity and tries to redefine his idea of what it means to be a man in the heartland of America.”

Sometimes -most of the times actually…- dreams aren’t meant to be… So just dream of something else!

The release date of the movie The Rider is set to April 13, 2018 (in NY and LA).

Stay tuned for updates.

The Rider Movie

A first official look at The Rider, the upcoming drama movie written and directed by Chloé Zhao and starring Brady Jandreau, Tim Jandreau, and Lilly Jandreau:

(Click on a picture to enlarge.)

The Rider Movie

Plot synopsis:
“After suffering a near fatal rodeo injury, a young cowboy undertakes a search for new identity and what it means to be a man in a heartland of America.”

A cowboy who cannot ride should maybe consider a career change indeed…

The film has yet to get an official release date.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie The Rider.